Residents offer new incentive to clean up after dogs

Alison Cottriall (centre) and friends with the dog poo bagsAlison Cottriall (centre) and friends with the dog poo bags
Alison Cottriall (centre) and friends with the dog poo bags | jpimedia
Dog owners have been told they have no excuse not to pick up after their pets by residents who have installed bag dispensers using plastic bottles.

The good Samaritans in Tyldesley want to encourage owners to clean up and give people no reason to flout the law.

Despite the council’s spending £150,000 annually on dealing with dog-related complaints, such as dog fouling removal, education and enforcement, problems still persist. Local resident Alison Cottriall and a few friends are behind the scheme after becoming fed up of seeing dog mess on their travels. She said: “My friends and I were talking about how much of an issue it is, so we decided to try to give dog owners no excuse to leave dog poo.”

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