Wigan duo's musical pop at President Trump

Donald TrumpDonald Trump
Donald Trump
A Wigan duo have launched a song taking a pop at Donald Trump, and hope it will attract a global audience to their music.

StarJump and Moonie, the stage name of duo Ian Unsworth and Allan Hart, have created a piece aimed at the US president called Billionaire Boy.

Taking its title from the David Walliams novel of the same name, the song hopes to prompt a debate on Trump’s wealthy background as well as his rapid rise to power.

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And the finished product was years in the making, Ian revealed.

Donald TrumpDonald Trump
Donald Trump

The 57-year-old from Winstanley said: “It was the title itself that Alan first locked onto, and inspired him to start writing the song.

“It’s been written over a period of time, the first attempt to write it was about three years ago, but it was put on a shelf. We eventually came back to it and got it finished.”

He added: "What became apparent, when we were writing it, was Trump. He’d obviously come into the mainstream media, so some lines were reflecting the thoughts we had about him.”

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But despite the lyrics and music video making obvious references to the president, Ian felt the pair had taken care to avoid being too critical.

“I think a few people think we are anti-Trump or are trying to make a big political message, but that’s never been the case.

“A friend of mine, who’s actually quite pro-Trump, shared it with his friends, and they didn’t feel it was criticising him or anything.”

He added: “I don’t think we’ve been overtly political. We would like people to have some opinion of it though, whether they love it or hate it. What you don’t want is for people to see it and not think anything.

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“You want to provoke a reaction. Hopefully it will provoke a few thoughts and opinions, one way or the other.”

And Ian revealed hopes that the song would attract an overseas audience and bring more attention to their other work.

“We’re hoping to get a little traction with the video, and for people in America to have more of an opinion about it that the people in Britain. We’ve been trying to get it out there to America. Obviously it’s available online, but we’ve been emailing radio stations in America about it.

“There’ll be an election in the next 12 months so this might be perfect timing.”

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