'Old age, the internet and online shopping go together'

Do you shop on the internet?Do you shop on the internet?
Do you shop on the internet?
There is much talk about saving our high streets and how online shopping is having an effect on them.

As someone in their late 80s with limited mobility, I would like to say a few words in favour of online shopping. Without it, I would not have such a choice of items. For example, if I am looking for clothing, I can compare items in stores such as Jaegar, John Lewis and Matalan. There is no way I could find my way around so many stores. To park my car and make my way to shops is a painful and hazardous journey. Another aspect of online shopping, which I don’t think has been mentioned, is the fact that many retailers, including the supermarket who I buy the bulk of my groceries from, make a donation to my favourite charity with all my purchases, at no extra cost to me. I just have to click on to the easy fundraising website to start shopping. Old age, the internet and online shopping really do go together. I still shop locally, I have a milkman and real milk in glass bottles left on my doorstep, and a fishmonger who calls at the house. But, please, do not knock online shopping – there are those of us to whom it is a blessing.Sheila HopkinsonAddress suppliedProof is inthe eatingWe don’t need another Neverendum - the proof of the Brexit pudding is in the eating.The current Brexit impasse and clamour for another referendum have prompted the launch of liberalbrexiteers.com, which revisits the case for Brexit from a liberal point of view and endeavours to reassure the majority who voted for Brexit two years ago that we took the right decision to leave the EU.liberalbrexiteers.com portrays the EU as an outdated 19th century notion, an idea whose time has gone, left behind by advances in communications which have rendered geography in politics irrelevant. Further, it suggests that the EU will be an international irrelevance by 2050, thanks to shrinking market share, GDP and population. Our future international relations must be less focused on the seven per cent of the world’s population who live in the EU and more with the 93 per cent who do not.Calls for another Brexit ballot are wrong-headed. The last referendum cost £137m, lasted four months and was divisive. A second referendum and/or a third general election in the space of four years will achieve nothing other than accentuate these divisions. Moreover, another referendum subverts the democratic rule that we vote in the light of our experience, on the understanding that we may vote differently in a following ballot if things do not work out. We have to experience Brexit first before we can make a judgement. We can always decide to renew our membership of the EU in the future if our experience of Brexit indicates that our leaving was a mistake, but the proof of the Brexit pudding is in the eating, not in endless speculation about how palatable it will be.So we don’t need another ballot. We just need Parliament to do what we told them to do after they decided to ask us what we wanted. Lib Dem, Labour and Conservative politicians started this hare running in 2015 when they united to vote for a referendum. They must unite now to deliver Brexit.David GreenA Liberal BrexiteerTaskforce to protect KurdsFollowing Trump’s moronic unilateral decision to pull US troops out of Syria, instead of just sitting back and watching ISIS re-emerge and Turkish troops, under ErdoÄŸan, commit genocide against our Kurdish allies, I would support sending a small British and French taskforce to ‘hold the fort’ until orange boy is impeached and we get a president with half a brain. Mike Barker via email


These days we have the terms homophobia, transphobia and so on. Yet it appears that ‘poorphobia’, where the poor are targeted with unkind political policies, is apparently okay.teddy via email