Readers' letters - April 11

Correspondent Aled Jones says the health case against sugar is weakCorrespondent Aled Jones says the health case against sugar is weak
Correspondent Aled Jones says the health case against sugar is weak
Government hasn't done enough research on sugar

What disturbs me most about the new tax on sugar is the government’s pathetic lack of research. Not only is the health case against sugar weak, but in several countries which implemented sugar taxes, most notably Denmark and France, obesity rates have either risen or stayed constant. It really cannot be a good thing for manufacturers to have to put more aspartame in their products.Only a government with no instinctive belief in personal freedom could endorse this stupidity. Surely we can be trusted to make informed choices ourselves as to how much sugar we give our own children?Aled Jonesvia email

It’s simply impossible to fit a pint pot into a tiny tea cup

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In a museum the other day, we came across a large chart, a map of the world. There was a HUGE landmass, with Britain a tiny speck on the western edge of Europe. It was obvious, more so on closer inspection, what we have long been thinking and which politicians seem to have been missing for decades now.Unlike us, it seems not to have dawned on them and their ilk, or they refuse to admit to it, that allowing uncontrolled immigration to our shores – both legal and illegal – from the huge expanse of the world depicted on that map should never have been and could not possibly be a viable option for the UK and is, without doubt, a factor in the problems of Britain today.How can you fit a pint pot into a tiny tea cup? How can you push a large foot into a miniscule Cinderella shoe without it causing a myriad of problems? Britain is a compassionate country. It more than punches above its weight in helping that world, even when it knows that help is often abused.I therefore suggest that every politician or person who thinks that all should be welcome here, without let or hindrance, stands in front of a map of the world until it dawns on them that Britain, due to its size, can no longer open its borders to the world. It needs to get its own house in order before continuing on the path it is treading. No racism, no prejudice, just simple common sense on tackling a problem that is escalating out of control due to the overcrowding of this little speck on that map of the world.C CrossAddress supplied

From an era of respect to an age of fear

As one gets older, I find myself reflecting often of my younger days. We were all taught to have some degree of respect for our elders and members of society who earned and deserved respect. Not so today. We were taught by caring and loving parents to have respect. My recent visit to a local supermarket during the school holiday was a fearful experience. The behaviour of some of the children was frightening to say the least, and even more so that of the parents seemingly unable to control them.Society seems to have lost its direction. We also read of six and seven-year-olds attacking teachers. There is no hope if this is allowed to continue.Television has much to answer for. The weekly soaps have gone down what can only be described as a sinister route.Barry Fostervia email