Readers' letters - April 26

Tony Blair is right on what he says about Brexit says a correspondentTony Blair is right on what he says about Brexit says a correspondent
Tony Blair is right on what he says about Brexit says a correspondent
Shouldn't we have final say on whether to stay or go?

It’s not often that I actively listen to any of Tony Blair’s ramblings, having been thoroughly disillusioned by both his term in power and the damage he did to Labour’s image.

However, listening to his take on the snap general election taking place and his comments regarding Brexit, I found to my dismay that he did actually make a sensible point regarding our leaving the EU.

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The electorate’s vote was based purely on spin and rhetoric from both sides – none of us knew the true facts because there has been no comparison in our history of politics and so most of us voted from a gut reaction.

Too many migrants being allowed in, our laws being made in Brussels, foreigners taking our jobs, swayed some voters to vote leave.

Alternatively, the fear of losing our jobs, the financial sector deserting us, the fear of companies relocating abroad swayed those doubters to vote stay.

However, as Tony Blair pointed out, Theresa May and some of the Conservatives are intent to deliver Brexit at whatever cost.

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Quite sensibly, he explained that, if the severance is going to mean pain and hardship for us all, and even a more severe economic turndown, then the population of the UK should be allowed to have the final say as to whether we stay or go.

In other words, another referendum on the final outcome – but this time round we would be in a better position to make an informed decision given that we would then have all of the true facts and not merely pie-in-the-sky supposition as we had before.

Karl Sheridan

Address supplied

Lack of moral values today

I believe it is time to ask ourselves why children, some as young as four years, are suffering from mental health issues such as panic attacks and depression.

Young children should exhibit the spirit of joy and adventure, held in the loving security of their parents.

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The Archbishop of York, John Sentamu, said he is distressed at the suffering in the world.

I believe it has a lot to do with the lack of moral and ethical values so prevalent in society today – adultery, abortion, greed, corruption and so on.

How wonderful if, like Beauty and the Beast, this curse was lifted and, as the Archbishop suggested, God’s kingdom could be bathed in new and wonderful sunlight. Families united and children living in security. But this might be underpinned with moral and ethical values.

Theresa Quarmby

Address supplied

Soft Brexit is

not the answer

For those contemplating voting for the Liberal Democrats because of their ‘soft Brexit’ policy, there are a number of important issues you ought to consider.

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Do you want the continuation of the uncontrolled EU immigration we now have?

Do you want our services, roads, schools, housing and NHS to be under constant pressure because of this influx?

More importantly, do you want your taxes paying for the basket case economies in the EU?

If the answer to these questions is yes, then you must confound the rest of us and place your cross adjacent to that party.

Jim Sokol

Address supplied

Don’t pop round to Mrs Brown’s

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The other night I switched on All Round to Mrs Brown’s, a BBC programme I had never watched before.

Stupefied, I watched until I could no longer bear it and turned off.

As someone who remembers the advent of television and has enjoyed most of its finest moments, I still feel dismayed at having now witnessed its nadir.

This raucous excuse for entertainment is muck TV.

It is fit only for pond-life to view.

J Robson

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