RL chief Derek backing campaign for tragic tot

Derek BeaumontDerek Beaumont
Derek Beaumont
Leigh businessman and Centurions owner Derek Beaumont is backing a campaign set up in memory of the nephew of a former player.

Mr Beaumont told how he decided to replace his business’ crest on Leigh’s Summer Bash shirt with a Team Isaac logo.

The fund was set up to raise cash for Alder Hey Hospital’s leukaemia research fund after the death of two-year-old Isaac Haggerty, nephew of ex-Centurions ace Kurt, from the disease. Mr Beaumont said the decision to remove his business’ insignia came to him during the toddler’s funeral two weeks ago.

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“Isaac’s uncle Kurt Haggerty played for the club last year before joining Bradford but the real link is through former player Sean Richardson who works as my national sales manager,” he said.

“He is best friends with Gareth Haggerty (Isaac’s dad) and to that end I have been out with Gareth a few times starting when I was last involved with Leigh and Gareth signed for Salford.

“Last season I donated £100 per try to the fund that Ryan Brierley scored which netted over 4k.

“Myself and my wife are charitable people and will get more satisfaction seeing money raised to help others in Isaac’s position than we will our company logo on TV.

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“Isaac was a warrior and brought a lot of people together and with our kit being that of a gladiator it came over me sat in church looking at his coffin that he should be part of that.

“I will be presenting Gareth and Claire with a signed framed version of it with Kurt Haggerty’s heritage number on it at the game where they will be guests of our club.”

Mr Beaumont has supported the Haggerty family throughout their ordeal and says he will continue to do so.

He added: “I don’t know where Claire, Gareth and their family found the strength to make it through the day maybe it was Isaac himself who carried them through.

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“I have decided to replace my company’s logo on the much talked about Summer Bash shirt to that of the Team Isaac logo from his fighting fund to raise awareness and in memory of the little man.

“The club will also donate the profits from the sale of the shirts to team Isaac fighting fund which will donate all proceeds to the Alder Hey Leukaemia research fund which is an in house research undertaken by the three consultants that treated Isaac.

“Anybody can make a donation at crowdfunding.justgiving.com/teamisaacfightingfund and the money generated there will be added to the shirt proceeds and presented by the family.”

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