College’s mental health charter pledge

College principal Peter McGhee and mental health and wellbeing co-ordinator Lucy BallCollege principal Peter McGhee and mental health and wellbeing co-ordinator Lucy Ball
College principal Peter McGhee and mental health and wellbeing co-ordinator Lucy Ball
Orrell St John Rigby College has reaffirmed a commitment to staff and students by signing up to a new national mental health and wellbeing charter created by the Association of Colleges in conjunction with mental health experts.

The 11-point document includes commitments to promoting equality of opportunity and challenging mental health stigma; providing appropriate mental health training for staff; and providing targeted individual mental health support where appropriate. Every year, one in 10 young people experiences a mental health problem and one in five aged 16 to 24 experiences a common mental illness such as anxiety or depression at any one time.

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