Wigan nursery's delight at latest rating

Rosebridge Private Day Nursery in InceRosebridge Private Day Nursery in Ince
Rosebridge Private Day Nursery in Ince
A nursery blasted by education inspectors as “inadequate” less than two years ago has been turned around.

Enforcement action was taken against Rosebridge Private Day Nursery, in Ince, after Ofsted found a series of concerns in an inspection in March 2017.

They said children were placed at “significant risk” because employees’ knowledge of safeguarding was “weak” and staff lacked the knowledge of how to help youngsters progress.

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Changes were made at the Holt Street nursery, with two further inspections resulting in the higher grade of “requires improvement”.

But Ofsted was taking steps to cancel the provider’s registration amid concerns that requested action had not been taken.

Now, the case has been halted and staff are celebrating after a new inspection showed the nursery was “good”.

Nursery manager Karjeevan Virdee said: “Since taking over as manager in June 2018, I have seen a huge difference in the learning and development of all the children at Rosebridge Nursery. Not only have the children flourished, so have my nursery team. I am proud to say that we have proved a lot of people wrong. Thank you for everyone who has supported us and stood by us.”

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In her report, Ofsted inspector Ann Flynn wrote: “The manager has worked well to significantly improve the setting since the last inspection. Despite the manager being relatively new in post, the impact of her actions has resulted in positive changes to the setting. This has improved outcomes for children.”

She found “effective staff supervision and purposeful training” had “significantly improved staff’s practice”.

The manager checked the work of staff and reviewed children’s progress “carefully and thoroughly”, identifying any gaps in learning to be addressed.

Teaching was found to be “good”, with staff interacting “positively” with children.

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The staff developed “warm, caring relationships” with youngsters, ensured their emotional needs were well met and encouraged them to develop their independence.

Ms Flynn wrote: “Children make good progress at this setting. They are confident, self-motivated learners who are developing the skills that will support them with their future learning.

“Partnerships with parents and other professionals are firmly established. This helps in ensuring children are making the best possible progress and are well prepared for the next stage in their education.”

While safeguarding was “effective”, the inspector recommended that staff’s understanding of safeguarding should be developed so they have a greater awareness of risks to children.

She also suggested the nursery provide more opportunities for pre-school children to develop their knowledge and understanding of early literacy and maths.

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