New Wigan charity venture has to be shelved due to pandemic

From left: Maureen with volunteers Colin Crosby and Sam TomlinsonFrom left: Maureen with volunteers Colin Crosby and Sam Tomlinson
From left: Maureen with volunteers Colin Crosby and Sam Tomlinson
A non-profit organisation making a difference for young people has been forced to put its plans to open a store in Wigan town centre on hold due to the coronavirus outbreak.

Refurbishment work had already started to transform a shop and cell at The Old Courts into a centre for Daffodils Dreams.

An opening day had been pencilled in for April 11, but that has now been postponed following the temporary closure of the arts venue.

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But Maureen Holcroft, who set up the community interest company, is determined that the enterprise will still open in future.

Daffodils Dreams was set up to provide positive life experiences for children and families who have been referred by children’s services, social services and other organisations. This includes giving clothes to children who need them, whether it is those without them or those whose parents cannot afford to buy new items for a school prom or communion, for example,

Maureen said: “I want to try to make people’s lives as good as they can be and try to bridge that gap between the privileged child and the under-privileged child.”

Daffodils Dreams previously had a shop at Grant’s Bulldog Tools. It closed earlier this year, though it does still run a bric-a-brac stall there.

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Maureen decided to open a new centre at The Old Courts, with the central location and opportunity to hold events at evenings and weekends proving a big draw. The shop will have a range of clothes for men, women and children, as well as shoes and accessories. In the cell area will be clothes available to hire, for many different occasions. Children and other people referred to the organisation will be able to choose items for free, while others can pay to hire them.