Heady challenge is set by Wigan nurses

The nurses will tackle Mount SnowdonThe nurses will tackle Mount Snowdon
The nurses will tackle Mount Snowdon
A team of Wigan nurses is set to climb the highest mountain in Wales in a bid to raise much-needed funds for children in care.

Specialist Children In Care nurses and admin staff from across the borough will scale Mount Snowdon next month, with plans to use all sponsorship money to help young people in Wigan’s care system.

Michelle, Steph, Kelley, Helen, Cath, Sue, Julia and Adele will attempt the 3,560ft challenge on September 22, and are hoping to raise at least £800.

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“In Wigan alone there are approximately 600 children that are placed in care,” said Cath, one of the team preparing for the daunting task.

“These children and young people might be living with foster parents, at home with their parents under the supervision of social services, in residential children’s homes or other residential settings like schools or secure units.”

These children are placed in care for a variety of reasons. Some may have been placed into care voluntarily by parents struggling to cope, or children’s services may have intervened because a child was at significant risk of harm.

Cath said roviding a secure, caring environment in care can help children and young people overcome their early life experiences and give them the best chances in life.

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Cath added: “It’s critical that Children in Care are helped to develop strong, trusting and stable relationships with their carers, social workers and other professionals.

"We want better therapeutic care for Children and Young People, increased stability in placements and a sustained and systematic improvement across the care system.

“As Children in Care nurses we do not have any budget or funding available to us to purchase even the smallest of items, such as stickers and stress balls, to be able to give to our children in care.

“We would like to be able to provide these children and young people with some extra provisions and resources to support them and provide them with aids whilst they are in our care.”

* To help the children in care team reach their fund-raising target, visit justgiving.com/crowdfunding/cic-team-wigan

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