Joy as leap year appeal for Wigan and Leigh Hospice reaches £10k target

Hospice nurses are encouraging people to show their supporting and join the Daisy ChainHospice nurses are encouraging people to show their supporting and join the Daisy Chain
Hospice nurses are encouraging people to show their supporting and join the Daisy Chain
The Observer’s Helping Hand campaign to fund an extra day’s care at Wigan and Leigh Hospice this leap year has surpassed its target.

With the charity relying on donations and fund-raising for much of its income, the Observer offered to help secure the £10,000 needed to care for patients and their families for an extra day on February 29.

Caring Wiganers backed the appeal and while donations are still being collected, the total raised has already passed the target.

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Dr Alan Baron, the hospice’s chief executive, said: “On behalf of the patients, their loved ones, the volunteers and staff I would like to say thank you to the Wigan Observer for running this campaign, and to those people who have made donations and to the organisations which have arranged fund-raising events.

“I am delighted that the campaign reached the target of raising enough money to cover the cost of running the hospice for the extra day this year on February 29.

“We were fortunate to benefit from one particularly significant donation which got us to the target. This underlines how much of a challenge fund-raising is, especially for smaller local charities like the hospice.

“On Saturday, the inpatient unit team of nurses and doctors offered expert care for our patients and their loved ones whilst our community nurses visited patients in their own homes across Wigan and Leigh who may have needed help with their pain, emotional support or were at the end of their lives.

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“Our kitchen staff prepared meals, our domestic staff made sure our buildings were clean and our volunteers monitored reception and helped on the inpatient unit. None of this could have happened on that day or on any other day without the support of local people and businesses.”

Now, the hospice is encouraging people to continue their support and “join the Daisy Chain” by making regular donations.

Lisa Taylor, a hospice nurse specialist, said: “Last year the hospice nurse specialist team I work with cared for 953 patients at the end of life and had 3,190 face-to-face appointments. We also provided support and advice to their loved ones to help guide them through one of the most difficult times in their lives. Hospice care and support were vital to all of them.

“That is why we are asking people to join the Daisy Chain and make sure we can continue to deliver our services now and in the future.”

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Kate Gaynor, head of income generation, said: “The hospice is a specialist care provider meeting complex healthcare needs. Our teams do this with care and compassion and we try to reach as many people in Wigan and Leigh as we can.

“However, as a charity, in order to continue doing this we need a sustainable income. We don’t know from year to year how much we’ll be able to raise. Having a regular income we can rely on is hugely important as it allows us to plan our services better.

“By joining the Daisy Chain our supporters will become a link in a strong chain which will help local families for years to come.”

To set up a monthly donation, go to or fill in a form at the hospice’s shops.

Alternatively, contact the fund-raising team on 01942 525566 or [email protected] and they will send a form through the post.

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