Bosses at Blackpool Zoo have announced when the attraction will reopen

Capybara at the zooCapybara at the zoo
Capybara at the zoo
Blackpool Zoo is set to reopen before the end of June.

The attraction will reopen to the general public from Monday, June 29, with a preview weekend exclusively for members on Saturday, June 27 and Sunday, June 28.

Visitor numbers will be limited each day and everyone, including members, will need to book online to guarantee entry.

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Tickets will be available on Tuesday, June 23, with member bookings going live in the morning and general tickets in the afternoon.

A visit to Blackpool Zoo will look very different for a while but people will still be able to see their favourite animals.

The 35-acre parkland has burst into life since it closed its gates in March.

There have been many births, including Emperor Tamarin twins, capybara, kangaroo and wallaby joeys, King Colobus monkeys, plover chicks, porcupettes and a Red Titi monkey.

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From feeding to cleaning and health checks to enrichment, the teams have continued to care for their furry, feathered and scaly friends.

While indoor animal houses are closed to visitors, people will still be able to see lots of new arrivals, along with all the other residents, outside enjoying the early summer.

People will be required to follow social distancing guidelines, on-site signage and make regular use of the additional hand sanitation points that have been installed.

A new visitor services hub and visitor services team have been set up to help with queries.

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There will be enhanced and increased cleaning and disinfecting of all areas and toilets will be open and manned by attendants to manage numbers within the facilities. Short podcasts will replace the suspended daily talks, feeds and displays.

Play areas, activities, the miniature train and children’s rides will also be closed but new, imagination-driven play trails around the zoo have been developed to keep little ones busy. They can be downloaded on the website or collected from the visitor services hub.

The main café and some kiosks will be open with a reduced menu on a takeout-only basis. Outdoor eating areas have been increased and redesigned to ensure social distancing.

Screens have been installed at all staff interaction points and the gift shops will be open with limited capacity.

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Tickets and visitor numbers will be closely monitored and increased when appropriate in the coming weeks. Visitors are asked to be patient as one-way systems and restaurant regulations could lead to queuing.

Zoo director Darren Webster said: “I am absolutely delighted to announce that Blackpool Zoo will once again open its gates.

“It has been very strange and sad to see the park in the glorious sunshine without any visitors, so we can’t wait to welcome them back.

“Our teams have been working hard to get ready to safely reopen in a Covid-19 secure manner.

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“We would ask visitors to be patient and understanding when booking and visiting while we all get used to the temporary way of working. There will be plenty of trained staff onsite to ensure everyone can safely enjoy their visit.”

Tickets can be booked at

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