Boss stole cash from firm

The Greyhound HotelThe Greyhound Hotel
The Greyhound Hotel
A hospitality boss with a gambling problem paid refunds into his own bank account, a court heard.

Kieron Marsh, 28, was general manager of Here For You Hospitality Ltd, based at the Greyhound Hotel in Leigh.

Wigan And Leigh Magistrates’ Court was told he started working there in February 2012 and his duties included having full access to money, taking payments and making refunds.

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But last year the operations director of Here For You Hospitality was contacted by payment processing company Worldpay after they spotted a number of refunds being made to one account.

Alan Bakker, prosecuting, told the court: “The allegation was that the defendant was making refunds between October 19 up until April 1 2016, the smallest amount being £20 and the largest amount being £130, and all those refunds were made to one specific account in the name of the defendant.

“The total amount is £1,517.”

The police were notified and Marsh made “full and frank admissions”, Mr Bakker said.

He said: “The explanation provided by the defendant in the interview was that he had a gambling problem.”

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Marsh immediately resigned on March 30 last year when the offences came to light, Mr Bakker said.

He pleaded guilty in court to the theft of £1,517 belonging to Here For You Hospitality between October 19, 2015 and April 1, 2016.

Bob Topping, defending, said Marsh had gambling and credit card debts.

He had co-operated with the police, had no previous convictions for dishonesty and had since secured new employment, working seven days a week, he said.

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Mr Topping said: “I can assure the court you have buckets of remorse as far as this man is concerned.”

He told magistrates that Marsh had repaid the money stolen from Here For You Hospitality, though Mr Bakker was not able to confirm this in court.

Andrew Gregory, chairman of the bench, sentenced Marsh to a 12-month community order, with 100 hours of unpaid work.

Marsh, of Highfield Road, Farnworth, must also pay £85 costs and an £85 victim surcharge.

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