Brenda is an easy rider at 71!

Brenda GraingerBrenda Grainger
Brenda Grainger
Brenda Grainger has always wanted to sit on a Harley Davidson - and now her dream has come true at the tender age of 71!

Brenda was able to fulfil her dream thanks to a Susan Rigby, who runs the Rivi Barn Biker Group, after she arranged for one of the members to pay the 71-year-old a visit.

Duncan Hesketh took his Harley to Brenda’s home on Sussex Close, Hindley, so she could sit on it and have a go at revving the bike, which is called Sarah Jane.

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Susan said: “Brenda has for many years had a dream of sitting on a Harley.

“She is very clued up and knowledgeable about motorbikes as family members also ride.

“She enjoyed a noisy revving session much to the delight of friends who turned out to cheer her on and spring the surprise.

“She caused quite a stir in the quiet close where she has lived for many, many years.”