Disabled drink-driver banned from road following crash in Wigan

Shaun Holmes appeared before Wigan Magistrates' CourtShaun Holmes appeared before Wigan Magistrates' Court
Shaun Holmes appeared before Wigan Magistrates' Court
A disabled drink-driver who thought he was safe to get behind the wheel but was involved in a crash with another car has been banned from the road.

Shaun Holmes, of Almond Grove, Newtown, was found to be almost treble the legal alcohol limit when traffic police breathalysed him following the incident on Gidlow Lane on May 26.

The bench at Wigan and Leigh Magistrates’ Court imposed a two-year disqualification from the road.

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Justices were told that when officers arrived at the scene of the collision after a 999 call, 51-year-old Holmes admitted that he had been driving an Audi A3 which was pointing sideways across the road with considerable damage to its front end.

A Vauxhall Corsa, which had been stationary, was badly crumpled at its rear and a woman was sitting in it, having sustained minor injuries.

Prosecuting, Tess Kenyon told the court that Holmes said to the officers he had been drinking in Wigan town centre and had consumed around three pints of beer.

Afterwards he had walked to a taxi rank but found a long queue so he decided to walk home instead.

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However, as he passed his own parked car and, not feeling under the influence of the alcohol he had drunk, the temptation to drive came over him - with disastrous results.

Defending, Nama Zarroug told the court: “He felt absolutely fine to drive but he understands the reading is high.

“It came as quite a shock to him.

“He viewed it as having had ‘only a few pints,’ which makes him an ideal candidate for an awareness course as there’s an education issue.”

Ms Zarroug also told the hearing that Holmes was disabled and extremely reliant on his vehicle to get about; this meant he would be heavily inconvenienced by the mandatory ban from the road.

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Holmes was told that his driving disqualification would be reduced by 24 weeks if were to complete a drink-drive rehabilitation course by a certain date.

As part of his punishment, the magistrates also imposed a curfew on him.