Eight-inch knife seized by police after men ran onto railway in Wigan

Police shared this photograph of the knifePolice shared this photograph of the knife
Police shared this photograph of the knife | ugc
Two men armed with knives were involved in an "altercation" with a taxi driver before running onto the railway at Wigan North Western.

Police say specially-trained officers with Tasers responded to reports of the incident near the railway station at 1.30am on Friday.

A spokesman said: "The two suspects fled onto the railway at Wigan North Western Station but were subsequently detained and arrested for trespass on railway.

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"Having become clear that the two had discarded their weapons during the pursuit an extensive search was made and an 8 inch knife was recovered.

"Both males were further arrested on suspicion, for offences, of affray and possession of an offensive weapon and remain in custody for questioning."

They shared an image of the knife on social media.

Greater Manchester Police (GMP) now has amnesty bins at police stations across the county, including at Wigan, for people wishing to hand in knives.

The spokesman said: "If you know someone who habitually carries a knife you can stop and speak to an officer or report anonymously via Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.

"There are also amnesty bins located at various police stations across GMP should you wish to do the sensible thing."