Estranged Wigan husband admits harassment after following wife's taxi

Wigan Magistrates' CourtWigan Magistrates' Court
Wigan Magistrates' Court
A father of three who turned up at his estranged wife's work Christmas party has admitted harassment.

Kieron Johnson, 39, even followed the taxi taking wife Adele Johnson home from the celebration, Wigan and Leigh Magistrates’ Court heard.

Andrew Hey, prosecuting, said the couple had separated about four weeks ago.

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He said: “The defendant left the address and was living away from the area. The complainant says she suspects he’s sleeping in his work’s van.

“She said the relationship broke down due to the defendant’s drug misuse and alcohol abuse.”

He said Johnson started following Mrs Johnson after their separation and went to places she would be.

He went to her work party and told colleagues she was having an affair, Mr Hey said.

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She left the party in a taxi and he followed her halfway home in his van.

A neighbour said Johnson had been at her home asking where their children were.

The court heard he also sent text messages to their teenage child insinuating he would kill himself.

In a victim impact statement, Mrs Johnson said: “I really don’t want Kieron to get in trouble but I want him to sort himself out.”

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She did not want to apply for a restraining order, the court heard.

Johnson, of Orrell Hall Close, Kitt Green, pleaded guilty to harassment without violence between November 27 and December 15.

He also admitted leaving Euro Garages, in Goose Green, on December 6 without paying for diesel worth £92.30, and leaving Goose Green Service Station on December 11 without paying for diesel worth £13.45.

Ged Frazer, defending, said while Johnson did have previous convictions, he had not been in trouble with the courts since 2003.

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He said he had a drug problem which had “reared its head again”.

He asked magistrates to consider imposing a community order with unpaid work, rather than a curfew to his mother’s address, in case the couple reconciled.

After reading a pre-sentence report prepared by the probation service, magistrates imposed a 12-month community order, with six months of drug rehabilitation, 15 rehabilitation activity days and 100 hours of unpaid work.

Johnson was also ordered to pay £92.30 in compensation to Euro Garages and £13.45 to Goose Green Service Station.

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Sara Moreton, chairman of the bench, told Johnson: “You have come such a long way. You had no offences for so many years.

“This is an opportunity now for you to make the decision on which way you go. I strongly recommended you take all the help and advice that the probation service will be there to offer you. You can’t behave like this.”