Extreme porn man avoids instant prison sentence

Bolton Crown CourtBolton Crown Court
Bolton Crown Court
A Wigan man who had extreme porn featuring a threat to life has been spared an immediate jail term.

Mark Bolton, 58, of Plantation Gates, Whelley, admitted possessing a filmed realistic act which was grossly offensive plus hundreds of images of child abuse of all categories of legal seriousness.

Appearing before a Bolton Crown Court judge he was given four 10-month prison sentences for each crime, but they will run concurrently and they are suspended for two years.

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Bolton must also be supervised for 18 months, complete 30 days of rehabilitation activities, forfeit his laptops, sign on the Sex Offenders’ Register for 10 years and a decade-long sexual harm prevention order was also imposed on him. There is also £340 of court costs to pay.

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