Gunman who shot at Wigan home told he could face more charges

Police incidentPolice incident
Police incident
A gunman who strafed a Wigan home with bullets could face more charges, he has been told.

Jamie Bailey, for Forest Avenue, has confessed to aiming a nine millimetre handgun at the property in Sandalwood Drive, Beech Hill, on March 4 this year.

The 28-year-old, who is currently on remand following his guilty plea, was told that he could not be sentenced during a hearing at Bolton Crown Court, as prosecutors may bring more charges against him.

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Bailey, who appeared via video link from prison, was told by Judge Graeme Smith, that it would not be “in his best interest” to receive a sentence whilst there are still matters outstanding.

The charges are believed to relate to another incident on the same day.

Regarding the first incident, prosecutors have accepted that Bailey knew that the occupiers of the home would have been upstairs when he took potshots at the ground floor during the broad daylight attack.

Police confirmed at the time that while there was some damage caused to ground floor windows and a number of items within the house, no-one was physically hurt as a result of the attack.

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Bailey had been due to stand trial on charges of possessing a firearm with intent to endanger life and possession of a firearm of less than 30cm in length, which he had denied.

But the prosecution accepted a guilty plea to an offence of possession of a firearm with intent to cause fear of violence to Philip King on March 4.

Bailey will appear in Bolton Crown Court again on October 16 to find out if anymore charges are to be brought.