Judge orders man to keep away from Billy Livesley's mother and brothers

Billy LivesleyBilly Livesley
Billy Livesley
A man arrested as part of the investigation into the death of Billy Livesley has been ordered to stay away from the young father-to-be’s family.

Billy, 21, died on Saturday, December 29, the day after being found seriously injured on Bickershaw Lane, Abram.

Other news: Investigation launched as fire destroys farmhouse in WiganDetectives launched a murder probe and made a string of arrests, with two men due to stand trial later this month in connection with his death.

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During their investigation, they arrested 39-year-old James Connor, who was accused of making threats to kill Billy’s brother Marcus Mitchell just two weeks later.

It followed an incident at Ozzy’s takeaway, on Liverpool Road, Platt Bridge, on Sunday, January 13.

Connor, of Lilly Lane, Bamfurlong, denied the charge and a trial was expected to take place later this month.

But during a hearing at Bolton Crown Court, the Crown Prosecution Service did not offer any evidence for the charge and he was found not guilty.

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However, Connor did admit using threatening, abusive or insulting words or behaviour with intent to cause fear of or provoke unlawful violence.

The judge handed down a 12-month conditional discharge and ordered him to pay a victim surcharge of £20.

A restraining order was also imposed, which forbids Connor to contact Billy’s mother Sylvia Mitchell and his brothers Marcus and Wesley Mitchell for two years.

Billy, from Platt Bridge, was rushed to hospital after being found seriously hurt, but died the next day.

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A post-mortem examination revealed he died from significant head injuries.

Thousands of people turned out for his funeral, with a procession led by motorbikes, quad bikes and a horse-drawn carriage bringing Platt Bridge to a standstill.

Related: Billy Livesley funeral: Emotional photos as thousands say goodbye to expectant Wigan dadTwo people have been charged with his murder. Peter Connor, 31, of no fixed address, and Myles Connors, 26, of Layton Street Caravan Park, Layton Road, Preston, will stand trial at Manchester Crown Court on Monday, June 24.

Jimmy Price, 22, of Leaway, Ince, was charged with perverting the course of justice as part of the investigation. He is due to appear at the same court on Tuesday.