Man who smashed windows at a woman's home is jailed

Wigan and Leigh Magistrates CourtWigan and Leigh Magistrates Court
Wigan and Leigh Magistrates Court
A man has been jailed for breaching a suspended sentence by smashing windows at a woman’s home.

David McMullen of Jaffrey Street in Leigh, has been locked up for 10 weeks after admitting to criminal damage.

Wigan magistrates heard the 36-year-old, who has a history of serial offending and was known to “carry a hammer”, was spotted by police on the street with blood pouring from his hands.

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Officers, who were in the area after responding to another incident, tried to ask him what had happened but he refused to say and hurled verbal abuse before running off.

A few minutes later, the same officers received a 999 call from an address on Richmond Drive. The woman said a man called “Davro” had been to her home and smashed downstairs windows.

Prosecuting, Ann Deakin said: “There was a large amount of blood on the windows. The witness said that the defendant had been at the address and had smashed the windows. The defendant’s girlfriend phoned her to ask her (the victim) to pick up her daughter from school. He said if she didn’t he would come round and smash the windows.”

One victim said: “I’m very worried about what will happen if I run into him. He is very dangerous, he walks around with a hammer. I am scared he will attack me or someone else.”

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Justices heard McMullen has 28 convictions for 44 offences.

Defending, Martin Jones said his client took full responsibility for his actions and regretted getting involved.

Mr Jones explained how McMullen had sustained a “serious injury” to his arm during the incident. He said that he had been cooperating with probation during the term of his suspended sentence and that his response to his community order had been “acceptable” during that time.

However, magistrates deemed the offence serious enough to activate McMullen’s sentence and jailed him for 10 weeks.

He was also given four weeks which will be served at the same time for the criminal damage.