Motorist is tasered twice after pursuit through streets of Wigan

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A young drink-driver who led police on a 75mph chase through residential streets in Wigan had to be tasered twice when police caught up with him.

Jordan Lewis Gaskell, 26, ended up needing hospital treatment after being filmed careering around Pemberton and Worsley Mesnes in a black BMW 3 Series on November 15 last year.

Prosecutors say the motorist, who already had a previous conviction for failing to provide a specimen of breath, was travelling at speeds of 75mph in built-up areas, where the limit was just 30mph.

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Gaskell, of Medway Place, Wigan, pleaded guilty to dangerous driving, failing to stop after an accident and driving with excess alcohol.

Recorder Anna Vigars, sitting at Bolton Crown Court, gave him a six-month prison sentence, suspended for 12 months.

He was also ordered to complete 25 days of rehabilitation activity requirements with the probation service and placed on a two-month curfew, between 7am and 7pm each day. Gaskell was also disqualified from driving for three years.

An earlier court hearing was told it was shortly after 10.30pm when a police officer on Billinge Road, Pemberton, spotted Gaskell’s BMW one car ahead.

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But when the intermediate vehicle turned right, the BMW suddenly accelerated away, reaching speeds of 75mph.

The court heard the car narrowly avoided a collision with a taxi after travelling on the wrong side of the road on a lefthand bend.

Travelling immediately behind, the police officer activated his blue lights.

For a brief interval then the BMW slowed down and pulled over. But when the officer left his patrol car to speak with the driver, Gaskell pulled away and the pursuit was resumed.

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The BMW continued to be driven at speeds between 50mph and 60mph in parts of Worsley Mesnes, at one point colliding with two parked cars, which lost their wing mirrors.

Eventually the car pulled onto Tyrer Avenue, narrowly avoiding another car, before it came to a halt on an adjoining street.

Gaskell was then seen to run off from the vehicle and up some banking.

He fell while being chased by police though and tried to lunge at an arresting officer, before a taser was deployed.

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Gaskell continued to be aggressive and was tasered for a second time before he could be arrested, the court heard.

He provided a positive roadside breath test after being detained. Later he gave a sample of blood which showed he had 125mg of alcohol per 100 ml.

The legal limit for driving is 80mg.

The defendant was said to have suffered injuries as a result of his arrest and conceded his behaviour on the night had been unacceptable.

The court heard that Gaskell had a conviction for failing to provide a specimen of breath, which dated back to an incident from 2014.

This had resulted in a 24-month driving disqualification, meaning he automatically qualified for a minimum three-year ban for the present offence.