Porn video showed person having sex with dog, horse, donkey and snake - Wigan man spared jailed

The video showed a person having intercourse with a snake as well as other animalsThe video showed a person having intercourse with a snake as well as other animals
The video showed a person having intercourse with a snake as well as other animals
A man found with extreme animal porn has been spared jail.

Christopher Sweatman, 37, of Severn Drive, Norley, had already pleaded guilty to having a film showing a person having intercourse with a dog, horse, snake and donkey, when he appeared before a judge for sentencing.

He also admitted to having an image that portrayed in a “realistic and explicit way, an act which caused, or was likely to result in serious injury to a person’s genitals” plus further charges of possessing cocaine and amphetamine.

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The court heard police stopped Sweatman riding a motorbike in Norley. He handed over a tupperware box of bags of amphetamine from down his trousers, plus his wallet that contained £290 in cash and his phone.

He was arrested for possession with intent to supply class B drugs (later valued at between £360 and £430) and he was walked back to his home.

Another phone and a food mixer with white powder (later proved to be cocaine) in it was found at the house.

The mobiles were examined and experts found 67 files containing extreme porn files of still and video images. Nine videos involved sex with animals or serious injury to men’s genital areas.

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In interview, Sweatman said the images had been sent to him on WhatsApp by a friend. For the porn and drugs offences he was given an eight-month jail sentence suspended for two years, a 25-day rehabilitation activity requirement and must complete 120 hours’ unpaid work.