Speeding motorist admits killing young Wigan mum in horror road smash

Chloe HaydockChloe Haydock
Chloe Haydock
A speeding motorist has admitted killing a young Wigan mum in an horrific road crash.

And a court heard that neither victim Chloe Haydock nor driver John Llewellyn was wearing a seatbelt when the early hours collision took place on Gathurst Lane, Shevington.

Other news: Tragic Wigan couple died within days of each otherA Bolton judge heard that at about 2.20am on Saturday January 13 2018, Llewellyn drove his blue Ford Fiesta towards Shevington along Gathurst Road with Chloe in the front passenger seat.

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As he drove down the steep hill towards the railway station, he lost control, shot under the bridge and collided with a concrete bollard which caused the car to spin round and left it with extensive front end damage.

Neither occupants had their seatbelts fastened, the court was told.

Llewellyn, 36, of Red Rock Street, Livepool, sustained fractures to his wrist and ankle plus minor cuts and bruising.

But Chloe suffered far more serious injuries, mainly to her head, body and legs and was trapped in the wreckage.

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The hearing was told that Llewellyn scrambled out of the car but, due to the damage to its nearside, he was unable to help Miss Haydock, who was trapped by her legs.

Neither could he locate either of their phones to ring for help and 20 minutes later, it was only a passing motorist who was finally able to contact the emergency services.

Despite medical experts’ best efforts, mum of one Chloe died later in hospital.

Police road accident experts estimated that the car had at least been travelling at 49mph in what was a 30mph area when it careered out of control.

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Llewellyn pleaded guilty to a single charge of causing Chloe’s death by dangerous driving and the case was adjourned for sentencing at the same court on January 16. Until then he has been released on unconditional bail.

The judge was told that a back calculation report will be presented at the sentence hearing to assess whether Llewellyn was over the legal alcohol limit or not at the time of the smash.

Tests carried out a while after the collsion concluded he was under the limit.

An inquest into Chloe’s death was opened at Bolton Coroner’s Court in July and adjourned pending the conclusion of criminal inquiries.

After the tragedy tributes were paid to Chloe, the mother to infant son Leo, by her mother Lynn and also on behalf of her brother, Craig and flowers were left at the scene.