Thief went on a trolley dash on his birthday

Wigan and Leigh Magistrates CourtWigan and Leigh Magistrates Court
Wigan and Leigh Magistrates Court
A man made multiple attempts to steal almost £1,000 in items from supermarkets, including one shoplifting spree on his birthday in order to feed his drug habit, a court heard.

Jason Fleming tried to steal £913.11 in food, toys and electrical items on two separate occasions in the space of a week, at Tesco and Sainsbury’s, after spending what little money he had on cocaine.

Appearing at Wigan and Leigh Magistrates Court, the 44-year-old, from Yewdale Close in Ashton, pleaded guilty to two counts of theft from a shop, narrowly avoiding jail for his crimes.

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The court heard how Fleming’s first shoplifting attempt occurred on his birthday, November 29, at a Tesco store.

Security guards were alerted to a problem when the alarms went off in the late afternoon.

They spotted Fleming carrying several shopping bags, some of which were not from Tesco.

Fleming was arrested and admitted his guilt, and was found to have taken a cocktail of drugs including cocaine and opiates before going to Tesco. Whilst on bail for the offence, he carried out yet another shoplifting attempt, this time at a branch of Sainsbury’s, walking through the self-service checkouts without making any attempt to pay for his trolley full of goods.

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Items he had tried to get away with included food, speakers and even a large coffee machine.

Defending, Peter Moran told the court that Fleming had gone to pieces after his partner, who looked after him, had been sent to prison.

He said: “He was thereafter going downhill. This seems like a trolley dash full of all sorts of items.”

He was handed a six-month prison sentence, suspended for two years. Fleming will also have to complete a

rehabilitation activity requirement, and a six-month drug rehabilitation requirement. He was also fined £215.