Wigan businessman's anger at raid investigation snub by police

The raider caught on CCTVThe raider caught on CCTV
The raider caught on CCTV
A businessman has voiced anger and surprise that police said they wouldn't be investigating a burglary at one of his Wigan pubs - despite the intruder being caught bang to rights on a spy camera.

The raider jemmied open five doors, burst into a guest room where a woman was staying and then fled with a till during his morning break-in at Fifteens of Swinley last Friday.

Crystal clear CCTV footage from inside the Upper Dicconson street hostelry and bed and breakfast shows the woolly-hatted man forcing his way into several rooms and at one point looks directly into one of the cameras.

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The manager of the premises contacted police and mentioned the pictorial evidence, only to be told that scenes of crime officers would not be attending because it had been pointed out that the intruder was wearing gloves and so there was little prospect of there being any forensic evidence.

No officer has been to Fifteens of Swinley since to take any statements.

Tony Callaghan, who owns the pub, said he appreciated that police resources were limited and was aware that a decision had been taken to prioritise crimes and even not investigate some of the lesser ones.

But he added: “We are handing them evidence on a plate here. Surely someone knows this guy.

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“There he is, bold as brass, looking into the camera while making a right mess in my premises. I am insured but there are excesses to pay so, when you’ve totted up all the door damage and the till, we are saying £1,600.

“He also got into one of the guest rooms. There was a female member of our staff in there. Thankfully when he realised she was there, he fled so a frightening confrontation was avoided but that does add to the seriousness.”

Mr Callaghan said that the burglar took the till out - which had no money in it because they are kept empty over night - and eventually dropped it on nearby Dicconson Street.

He added: “We have contacted the police, being the law-abiding citizens but despite the footage the police say they won’t do anything because of what he was wearing on his hands. What sort of message does this send? That all you have to do not to get arrested for a crime is to wear gloves.”

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Greater Manchester Police was asked to respond to the complaint. But at the time of the Post going to press, no statement had been forthcoming.

However chiefs have already admitted that they no longer have enough resources to investigate every crime.