Wigan man attempts to bite police officer and gets community sentence

Wigan and Leigh Magistrates' CourtWigan and Leigh Magistrates' Court
Wigan and Leigh Magistrates' Court
A Wigan man who was punched by a police officer after he tried to bite his hand has been given a community order.

Liam Makin, of Charles Street, Ince, has been put on a tag after admitting to assaulting an emergency worker and being drunk and disorderly in public.

Other news: Police swoop on Wigan homeMagistrates heard how, on June 1, police were called to a disturbance between two men on the street near Sacred Heart Primary School.

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On arrival they found Makin, 31, looking visibly upset, with a small cut on his cheek. The police officer asked him to get in the car so that he could make sure he got home safely.

Prosecuting, Steve Woodman said: “He was very calm and collected at first, but once he was inside the car he became aggressive and abusive.”

After Makin’s aggression continued to escalate, the officer arrested him for breach of the peace and called his colleague to attend.

He was put in the back of the police van and taken to the station, where he continued to scream and shout. It was at this point that one of the two officers, who had placed his hand on the front desk, saw Makin go to bite him.

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“The officer took the decision to punch Mr Makin in the head to stop him from biting him. There was no physical connection from the bite.”

The court heard how Makin, who was due to appear in court, did not turn up until the following day because he had been on holiday in Prague and missed his flight back.

Nick Woosey, defending, said: “He deeply regrets his actions because he thought he had moved away from such actions. Given the opportunity he would apologise to the officer.”

Makin received an eight-week curfew between 8pm and 6am. He was not given compensation because he caused no injury to the officer, but was ordered to pay costs of £170.