Wigan man remanded on wounding charge

Wigan and Leigh courtWigan and Leigh court
Wigan and Leigh court
A young man has been accused of trying to cause another grievous bodily harm.

Kieran Barrington, 21, of Forest Avenue, Beech Hill, is charged with attempting the unlawful and malicious wounding of Stephen Argent and possessing a kitchen knife on November 5.

Because of the seriousness of the allegations, the case was immediately sent to Bolton Crown Court where Barrington will make a first appearance before a judge on December 13. He is remanded in custody until then.

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In the meantime, however he has been given a community punishment for stealing a woman’s keys on the same day. Barrington admitted the theft from Chelsy Hyemes and the bench was told the crime was committed while the defendant was already the subject of a community order for bank card fraud and handling stolen goods.

His punishment included 230 hours of unpaid work, an alcohol treatment course and paying a fine and court costs totalling £135.