Wigan mum had dirty nappy thrown at her

Wigan and Leigh Magistrates CourtWigan and Leigh Magistrates Court
Wigan and Leigh Magistrates Court
A mother had a dirty nappy thrown at her and faced racist abuse in a dispute with her neighbour, a court heard.

Wigan And Leigh Magistrates’ Court was told Simon Johansen and Svetlana Kozlova, who lived on Moss Street in Ince, had been “friendly”.

Ms Kozlova helped father-of-two Johansen, 27, when he had money problems, but became fed up when he did not repay more than £800.

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The court was told of an argument via messages when Ms Kozlova refused to give toilet roll to Johansen and his wife.

Two days later she heard an argument next-door which had spilled outside and went to ask them to be quiet so her 20-week-old baby could sleep.

But Katie Beattie, prosecuting, said Johansen used racist words and told Ms Kozlova to “get back to your own country”.

A few days later, Johansen put rubbish in Ms Kozlova’s bin, which she took out and put outside his house. It was passed between their gardens several times, before Johansen picked up a dirty nappy that had fallen out and threw it at Ms Kozlova, hitting her right eye.

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In another incident, Johansen shouted racist abuse as a colleague left her home.

The court was shown CCTV footage of an incident where, fearing for her safety when Johansen walked right up to her with his hands raised, Ms Kozlova pushed him away and he pushed her backwards into a car.

Karen Moorfield, defending, said it was “akin to any other neighbour dispute”. It started with a minor issue which should have been resolved and became blown “out of proportion”, she said.