Wigan park victim 'has bleed on brain'

The area where the injured man was foundThe area where the injured man was found
The area where the injured man was found
A dog walker has been left with a serious head injury in a Wigan park.

And detectives are now working to understand how the victim, came by his injuries, close to Alexandra Park.

Police say at around 3.30pm last Thursday a man was found by a member of the public unconscious in woodland at the back of the park ,between Stephens Way and Billinge Road, known locally as The Delph.

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Paramedics were called and they discovered that the man, who has not been named, had extensive injuries. He was taken to hospital where it was confirmed he has a bleed on the brain and he is currently in a critical condition. The man is white, has grey hair and used a walking stick.

He was wearing a black baseball cap, black tracksuit bottoms, a black t-shirt and white trainers. Detectives are currently trying to work out how he came to be there and how he suffered his injuries. Det Ch Insp Clare Devlin, from GMP’s Bolton borough, said: “We are doing everything we can to try and piece together what happened to this man and are also working to try and identify his family. “We believe he was potentially walking a Jack Russell-type dog in the area throughout that day from about 8am. “Did you see him? Did you speak to him? Anything, no matter how small, could really help us. "Anyone with any information should call police on 0161 856 9196 or the independent charity Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.