Wigan yob kicked police officer in the face as he tried to stop him biting woman

Wigan and Leigh Magistrates CourtWigan and Leigh Magistrates Court
Wigan and Leigh Magistrates Court
A police officer was kicked in the face as he tried to stop a drunken yob from biting the brave woman who was restraining him.

Wigan and Leigh Magistrates’ Court heard that Christopher Hayes, of Wigan Lower Road, Standish Lower Ground, sank his teeth into Leah Wilson who had intervened when she saw him drunkenly lashing out on King Street in Wigan town centre.

PC Appleton was called to incident in the early hours of Sunday December 16 to find Ms Wilson restraining Hayes on the floor by sitting on him.

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With a number of people nearby Ms Wilson had feared that he might hit someone with his wildly flailing arms, the court was told.

Justices heard the 32-year-old continued to act in a violent manner when spoken to by PC Appleton, and when being arrested he kicked out and caught the officer a glancing blow to the jaw.

The force of the kick broke the volume dial on the police radio PC Appleton was carrying and left a red mark and bruising to his jaw.

The court was shown a picture of Ms Wilson’s knuckle, which was left bruised from the bite but the skin was not broken.

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Hayes, who has no previous convictions, was out celebrating a work Christmas do, and had started drinking around 5pm the day before, the court heard.

Prosecuting, Nicola Yeadon said: “The defendant was held on the floor while police came, and was shouting at people that he was going to get up and kill them.

“Luckily no lasting damage was done to Ms Wilson, who was trying to help the defendant by stopping his violent outburst, or to PC Appleton.”

Defending, Martin Jones said: “My client has no recollection of this incident, and said he was truly appalled by the way he had acted.”

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Hayes pleaded guilty to assault by beating of an emergency worker, common assault and criminal damage of a value unknown.

Magistrates gave Hayes a 12-week curfew, and he was ordered to pay £100 compensation to Ms Wilson, £75 compensation to PC Appleton with an £85 victim surcharge and £85 in court costs.