Fine over fly-tipping eyesore

The fly-tipped waste at College Road, Up HollandThe fly-tipped waste at College Road, Up Holland
The fly-tipped waste at College Road, Up Holland
A businessman has been hit with a bill of more than £2,000 after being prosecuted for fly-tipping in Up Holland.

John Whitmore, of Cooper Avenue, Warrington, pleaded guilty to three offences relating to a large amount of waste illegally dumped on a track off College Road.

The waste, from a household clearance, was discovered last August 3 by West Lancashire Borough Council officers and was traced back to an address in Warrington.

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It was found the occupier had paid Whitmore who was operating a company, JW Removals, to remove the waste.

At Ormskirk Magistrates’ Court, Whitmore pleaded guilty to fly-tipping and also admitted failing to provide waste transfer notes for the removal of the waste and failing to provide information to the Council.

He was ordered to pay a fine of £1,384, costs of £651.92 and a victim surcharge of £105 totalling £2,140.92.

The council has reminded householders that they need to make sure any waste that they have removed is disposed of legally. Anyone removing waste as part of a business must have a waste carriers licence and give waste transfer notes to whomever they take waste from.

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Householders can check if anyone who removes waste from them has a licence by contacting the Environment Agency on 03708 506506 or going on their website

Environmental Enforcement Team chief Dave Tilleray said: “This case is the latest prosecution obtained by the council with regards to rubbish being disposed of illegally in West Lancashire. The council takes a hard line approach on these matters and demonstrates the commitment of the Environmental Enforcement Team to take action against offenders wherever possible.”

To report illegally dumped waste contact or ring 01695 577177 during office hours.

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