Fury at giant rat invasion in Wigan

Martin BarnesMartin Barnes
Martin Barnes
A disabled Wigan woman and her son are putting pressure on the council to sort out a rat infestation as soon as possible.

Angela Barnes, of Severn Drive in Norley, says the vermin problem in the neighbourhood is so bad that her health is suffering.

She said her garden has been ruined by the rodents and also spoke of her weeks-long battle to get Wigan Council to take notice of the issue.

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The local authority has said it is aware of the problem and is sending pest control officers to take any action required.

Angela, who suffers from breathing and walking difficulties, says this needs to be done at the first possible opportunity.

She said: “The problem has escalated because the council has left it so long. It needs doing now. There are so many of them they can’t afford to drag their feet.

“I have tried numerous times to get help from the council. I contacted environmental health five weeks ago and was told there were no appointments and they couldn’t come out for another two weeks.

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“I am disabled and not in good health. This situation is not only worsening my breathing but causing emotional distress. I have a phobia of rats and this is giving me chest pains and panic attacks. I can only describe the situation as a living nightmare, night after night.”

Ms Barnes said part of the problem was that the rat population multiplies so rapidly.

She said: “The grass in my garden is ruined and covered in urine-soaked rat runs that stink to high heaven. The rats have chewed through my shed which I had in the corner near the compost heap and this has had to be thrown along with the contents that were covered in droppings and urine.

“They are absolutely massive and we’re not getting anywhere. We have tried repellents and two types of poison but now they aren’t touching it.”

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Son Martin said: “We’ve had pest control out before but some of the rats are now so huge they don’t actually fit in the baited traps.”

Council director for environment Paul Barton said: “We are aware of this enquiry, we have now arranged for one of our pest control officer’s to inspect the property and to carry out any necessary work to address this issue.”