Lorryload of scientific inspiration is in town

The RS Digital TruckThe RS Digital Truck
The RS Digital Truck
A 35-tonne truck filled with robots and gadgets rolled into Wigan today with one goal: to inspire the future generation of STEM (science, technology, engineering, mathematics) experts.

Pupils from four lucky schools boarded the giant vehicle in the town centre to be greeted with the latest tools in digital innovation including a robotic arm, a Raspberry Pi controlled greenhouse and 3D printers.

Wigan Council, winner of Digital Leaders’ Digital Council of the Year, worked with RS Components to deliver the event. RS is currently touring Northern and Central Europe showcasing the latest products in digital innovation.

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Pupils are being treated to a series of interactive display zones highlighting the breadth of engineering disciplines and will also have a go at 3D printing. The aim is to get them excited about engineering to encourage them to consider a career in STEM.

Coun Joanne Platt, cabinet member for young people, said: “I’m really pleased that we’ve managed to get this truck to Wigan. STEM subjects are really important and offer fantastic careers. Unfortunately there’s not much gender diversity in the field with research showing that girls tend to have negative views on STEM careers.”

Alison Hutchings, assistant global category manager of 3D Printing, said: “The future of engineering in the UK is wholly reliant on inspiring tomorrow’s engineers. Events like this that aim to influence the uptake of STEM subjects are essential to that mission.”

Paul Croft, founder of CREATE Education Project: “This has been a great opportunity to provide our local area with a chance to see and get hands on with cutting edge technology used in classrooms and in industry.”

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