Loving Wigan schoolgirl's life-saving quest for her dad

Aleze with dad ChrisAleze with dad Chris
Aleze with dad Chris
A 10-year-old schoolgirl is on a very personal fund-raising mission to help scientists find a cure for brain tumours.

Aleze Patterson, from Ashton, has raised £300 so far through a yard sale, cake stall, tombola and a raffle and she is dedicating it all to her dad Chris who has diagnosed with a cavernous meningioma brain tumour soon after she was born.

Other news: Wigan rock star Richard Ashcroft cancels tour datesThe determined youngster invited her whole street to the yard sale and cake stall, advertising at her local karate class, appealing for raffle prizes on Facebook live, and asking local businesses in Ashton to donate prizes.

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She received support from The Fat Bull restaurant, Bengal Curry Pot, Wigan Comic Con, Darkfairy Designs, DW Fitness Gym, Aldi and many more.

Aleze's yard sale in aid of Brain Tumour ResearchAleze's yard sale in aid of Brain Tumour Research
Aleze's yard sale in aid of Brain Tumour Research

Her dad Chris was diagnosed in January 2009 after suffering a seizure at work.

He declined surgery to remove the tumour as consultants at Salford Royal NHS warned there was a high risk of paralysis.

Nearly 10 years on, recent scans have revealed two more tumours. Chris has regular seizures and is cared for full-time by his wife Gemma.

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Proud mum Gemma said: “Aleze is such an empathetic little girl and we’re so proud of her for all she’s doing. It was her idea to fund-raise and she has organised everything on her own. It’s incredible that she’s so motivated to help and she’s over the moon with how much she’s raised so far.

“It breaks my heart that Aleze and her brother Saul have had to grow up with her dad being ill.

“Ally has never known him without this disease and I guess it’s become normal for us, but no parent wants their children to be worried about them.”

Andrea Pankiw, community fund-raising manager at Brain Tumour Research, said: “It’s wonderful that Aleze is fund-raising for us in tribute to her dad. Well done to her for such a fantastic job! We’re extremely grateful for her support and hope that as many people as possible get behind her.

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“Brain tumours kill more children and adults under the age of 40 than any other cancer yet, historically, just 1 per cent of the national spend on cancer research has been allocated to this devastating disease.”

Brain Tumour Research funds sustainable research at Research Centres of Excellence in the UK; it also campaigns for the Government and the larger cancer charities to invest more in research into brain tumours in order to speed up new treatments for patients and, ultimately, to find a cure.

The charity is calling for an annual spend of £35m in order to improve survival rates and patient outcomes in line with other cancers such as breast cancer and leukaemia.

Donate to Aleze here

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