LUKE MARSDEN: are there more US Trump fireworks to come?

Biden is president but could his predecessor make a comeback?Biden is president but could his predecessor make a comeback?
Biden is president but could his predecessor make a comeback?
Is anyone else just exhausted?

I think this week has been one of the most draining and turbulent ones in a long while and I’m just talking about all the cleaning I’ve done in my house let alone what’s happening nationally and across the pond.

Last Saturday, trick or treating was illegal and now pretty much everything else is, as lockdown 2.0 is here.

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Like a film sequel nobody wanted, we’re back inside our homes for the next month.

A straw poll of my family and friends (virtual obviously!) has them split on if a second lockdown is needed.

I’ve personally wrestled with what I think as I have family who work in the NHS and I know the war zone-like pressures they are under but are we about to become a third world country from an economic perspective?

Whatever you feel about this lockdown let’s try to make it our last, supressing Covid-19 and make this a double act of lockdowns rather than a trilogy.

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Bonfire Night went out with the usual bang and dog barking. If there’s one thing I do actually prefer virtually, it’s fireworks.

We don’t need any more noise and racket this year, unless of course it’s coming from the USA.

Joe Biden will be the 46th President of the USA (probably). I literally had money on Trump so naturally I’m devastated that he hasn’t helped me win a PS5.

If nothing else, at least watching the US election coverage makes ourdated voting system seem futuristic.

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The Donald is the king of reality TV and I’d say this show is far from over. He may only have until January left as President but dare I utter the words, Trump 2024?

Constitutionally he can do it but is the USA ready for another ride on the Trump train?

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