Art in Wigan parks is proving to be a real draw

The poem at Hindley stationThe poem at Hindley station
The poem at Hindley station
A popular art project started during the coronavirus lockdown is making its way to beauty spots around the borough.

Artist Brian Whitmore, who lives in Hindley, began working on trails of calligraphy art earlier this year as a way to lift people’s spirits during the pandemic.

He started by leaving the beautifully-penned slogans of hope and positivity attached to trees and logs during his daily exercise at Amberswood and Low Hall Nature Reserve.

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His Wild Calligraphy project proved to be so popular, with people praising his creations on social media, that he has now placed the artwork at other beauty spots, including at Mesnes Park in Wigan.

One of the leaves at Mesnes ParkOne of the leaves at Mesnes Park
One of the leaves at Mesnes Park

Brian said:” I have been doing it for the last six months in various places in Wigan. It has been really successful. I have had an amazing response from people. It’s been really rewarding for me and other people.”

He hopes the artwork will continue to bring joy to people enjoying the great outdoors, particularly those who may be worried about returning to art galleries and other indoor spaces due to the ongoing pandemic.

“I think art in the park is great for people to come across and enjoy,” he said.

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Brian’s calligraphy can also be seen at Hindley station, where he has written poem The Cloths Of Heaven by William Butler Yeats.

Sheila Davidson, secretary of Friends of Hindley Station, had seen his work on Twitter and said many people had been along the platform to read the poem.

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