‘It’s a monstrosity’ - Neighbours in uproar over structure in Wigan garden

The construction of a makeshift play area in the front garden of a home has upset neighboursThe construction of a makeshift play area in the front garden of a home has upset neighbours
The construction of a makeshift play area in the front garden of a home has upset neighbours
There has been outcry on a Wigan street following the construction of a makeshift play area in the front garden of a home.

Some residents of Broadriding Road, Shevington, have voiced health and safety concerns over the structure, which towers over the street and is fashioned out of wood and corrugated metal.

People fear it could be a hazard for any children who may be using it or for passers-bys.

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There have also been complaints that it “sticks out like a sore thumb” when flanked by homes with tidy gardens and manicured lawns.

One resident told Wigan Today: “It’s a monstrosity. It wouldn’t look out of place as a sentry tower in a Japanese prisoner of war camp.

“How the residents thought that they could build something like that and get away with it, I don’t know.

“It’s a blight on the road and is probably a safety hazard too. I wouldn’t want my children playing on it and I’d give it a wide berth if walking past too.”

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Another said: “We think it’s some kind of home-made adventure play equipment. I’m all for keeping the children entertained but this is a quiet suburban street, not an adventure playground.

“It’s very big for where they’ve put it and the corrugated steel covering makes it look pretty ramshackle. It’s quite an eyesore.”

Wigan Council has investigated the structure because of its positioning, and says that the owner will have to apply for retrospective planning permission.

If it does not win approval from councillors, the owner will have to demolish it.

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Some of the neighbours have voiced their concerns to the authority as well and are also unhappy about the visibility of it.

However, due to its prominence in the street scene and impact on neighbouring properties, the council is considering enforcement action to remedy this breach of planning control.

The owner has been contacted by Wigan Today but so far there has been no reply.

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