Report reveals Wigan residents' high levels of personal debt

Wiganers have a high level of debt compared to personal incomeWiganers have a high level of debt compared to personal income
Wiganers have a high level of debt compared to personal income | pa
Wiganers typically owe around £1 for every £5 they earn, according to the Centre for Cities.

The research and policy institute mapped out debt levels across England and Wales.

It argued that people living in large cities and towns in parts of the North and Wales could find themselves particularly vulnerable in the economic downturn.

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Wiganers' typical owing of 20 per cent of their income was the second-highest rate in the study, behind Warrington and Swansea on 21 per cent.

Meanwhile in Oxford, people were found to owe around 35p for every £5 they earn typically,

The Government, banks and other bodies are offering a raft of financial support to help people and businesses get through the crisis.

Centre for Cities chief executive Andrew Carter said: "The economic damage caused by coronavirus is already hitting people's personal finances.

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"Unfortunately, as more and more people are furloughed or made redundant, those struggling with debt are likely to be worst affected."

He continued: "Failure to support people with high levels of debt during this crisis will have a broader negative impact on the local economies of places where people are indebted - particularly those in northern England and Wales."