Residents at Wigan care homes enjoy concert and Lego during lockdown

Residents enjoy the concert from their patioResidents enjoy the concert from their patio
Residents enjoy the concert from their patio
From outdoor concerts to learning sign language, care home residents have plenty to keep them busy and maintain community spirit during the Covid-19 lockdown.

Staff at homes run by Millennium Care have been finding new ways to support residents, with social distancing measures meaning everyone has had to adapt their everyday lives.

All non-essential visits from family and friends have temporarily stopped, but homes across the group have been using Facebook Portal to help residents stay connected with their loved ones.

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This has also been used to allow them to continue with popular activities and even learn a new skill - Makaton sign language.

Windsor House care home in Standish is using FaceTime to continue with some of the residents’ favourite activities, including Lego therapy and performance poetry.

Kitty Short, from Creative Confidence, provides some of the activities and Lego therapy.

She said: “Using FaceTime has been an invaluable communication method for residents at Millennium Care during what is a challenging time,

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“We are using Facebook Portal for many different things every day. Residents in Millennium Care homes are able to enjoy Lego therapy, performance poetry, some homes are learning Makaton sign language and much more.”

Residents at Lakeside care home, also in Standish, have been enjoying person-centred activities in the comfort and safety of their bedrooms, including crafting, singing and dancing.

Staff have painted smiling faces on their masks so residents can still see them smile throughout the day.

Worthington Lake care home has been using pet therapy, with Peggy the puppy, as well as the power of music, with an outdoor concert by local musician Anthony James.

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Residents of the specialist dementia care home were able to enjoy the concert from their balconies and patios.

Staff members also put on a show as they danced in their masks.

Katy Grindly, deputy manager at Worthington Lake, said “Contact with the outside world is now minimal so we are very lucky here at Worthington Lake to have large balconies and patios leading from bedrooms, meaning residents can still enjoy the great outdoor.

“We made the most of it during the recent lovely weather with an outdoor concert. Spirits were high and we all enjoyed the music by musician Anthony, who kindly put on the concert for us for free. Afterwards we enjoyed a party and did our own version of Peter Kay’s Amarillo.”

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