Wigan girl takes on amazing wheelchair mountain climb

Friends and family of Hallie Campbell took her up Snowdon in her wheelchair as part of efforts to raise 70,000 for her to have medical treatment in PolandFriends and family of Hallie Campbell took her up Snowdon in her wheelchair as part of efforts to raise 70,000 for her to have medical treatment in Poland
Friends and family of Hallie Campbell took her up Snowdon in her wheelchair as part of efforts to raise 70,000 for her to have medical treatment in Poland
A wheelchair did not stop six-year-old Hallie Campbell reaching the top of Snowdon.

For a 13-strong team of family and friends pulled together to ensure she would get to the summit.

After a challenging climb, Hallie had a smile on her face as they reached the top.

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Her mother Lucy, from Hindley, said: “I think I was a bit naive, I didn’t realise how rocky and steep it would be. We wouldn’t have been able to do it without our family and friends.

“We had ropes attached to the front so two people pulled and one lifted the back.

“Near the top it was really steep so we had two people on each side.”

They carried her up the Welsh mountain as part of fund-raising efforts to send Hallie to Poland for potentially life-changing treatment.

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More than £40,000 has now been collected and Lucy is hopeful of reaching the £70,000 target before the trip next month.

Hallie has a rare genetic disorder which means she cannot walk, talk or sit up and has painful seizures every couple of days.

It is hoped the surgery in Poland, which is not available on the NHS, could prevent the seizures.

Thousands of pounds have already been raised by kind-hearted Wiganers moved by Hallie’s situation. Fund-raising will continue when Lucy, her partner Andrew Hill and friends tackle the

Born Survivor obstacle course in the Lake District on September 21.

To donate, go to www.justgiving.com/fundraising/genetherapy4hallie.

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