Wigan man receives multiple injuries in savage dog attack

Barry Frost with his dog Maisy after the attackBarry Frost with his dog Maisy after the attack
Barry Frost with his dog Maisy after the attack | ugc
An attack by a Staffordshire Bull Terrier-type dog in Wigan left a walker needing several stitches to deep bites and puncture wounds in his arm.

Barry Frost needed treatment to his right arm and foot after he was dragged to the ground.

The 58-year-old spoke of his ordeal and revealed graphic images of his wounds as he looks to trace the owner of the dog.

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Fearing the dog could strike again, he has contacted police following the brutal attack in Standish.

Mr Frost was walking his apricot cockapoo dog Maisy along the footpath beside Wigan cemetery towards Beech Hill at around 10.15am on Wednesday.

He then turned right onto a footpath leading towards the old convent site, and had only travelled around 100 yards along the path when he was viciously attacked by the dog.

Mr Frost, from Standish, said: “Without provocation, the black dog initially attacked my cockapoo biting its rear leg, and when I picked up my dog, it then turned on me and savagely attacked me - firstly biting my left arm and then biting my right arm through my coat, dragging me to the floor.

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“A man who had been walking the black dog approached from the direction of Standish and pulled the dog off me, before escorting it away and running off along the path towards Beech Hill.

“This man left me lying on the floor and neglected to provide any details before running from the scene.”

Mr Frost described the man as being white, around 5ft 10ins and 45 to 55 years old. He had dark hair and was wearing a dark orange type coat or fleece and possibly blue jeans. The man had a local accent. He also had a small tan coloured terrier type dog with him.

After the attack, Mr Frost said a passing cyclist helped him before he contacted his wife Michelle who took him to Wigan Infirmary, where he received treatment for a broken right foot.

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He was then taken to Wrightington Hospital where his wounds were cleaned and stitched. He had also suffered cuts to his face, arms and hands.

Mr Frost said he been left scared during the incident and appealed for anyone with information to come forward.

He said: “This could have been a lot worse and the attack has scared me.

“I dread to think what would have happened if this had been a young child or my wife who had been out walking. The man didn’t have the dog on a lead and he wasn’t a very responsible owner to just run off like that without helping me.

“If you have any information or CCTV please get in touch, or contact the local police.”