Wigan school staff to join union members on cost of living march in London

The demonstration will highlight concerns about the rising cost of livingThe demonstration will highlight concerns about the rising cost of living
The demonstration will highlight concerns about the rising cost of living
School staff will head to London to join a demonstration highlighting the rising cost of living.

Members of Wigan’s National Education Union (NEU) will support the TUC’s We Demand Better march and rally on Saturday, June 18 by joining a coach trip organised by Wigan Trades Council.

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An NEU spokesman said: “Staff in schools, like workers everywhere, are being hit hard by the economic crisis, affecting salaries, pensions, workload, and with constant monitoring which evidence shows improves education not one iota. The Government has the means at its disposal to relieve pressure on schools and dramatically improve wages and conditions, yet they sit on their hands.

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"What they need to realise is that school staff work with pupils and students whose parents are under similar pressures from the crisis, and that can only have an impact on their children’s learning and enjoyment of school life.

"Politicians are just not connecting up the dots and it’s important that we send a message to the Government that people are reaching breaking point.

"Now we hear that Tory minister Rachel Maclean is suggesting people work longer hours or change jobs to overcome the cost of living crisis. Such arrogance and contempt for people struggling is what we have got used to over the past weeks from politicians living in their own privileged bubble. We have members using food banks and watching their energy meters; the advice Rachel Maclean has given to people on benefits and pensions is beyond


A Wigan Trades Council spokesman said NEU members and their families could travel on the coach, as well as other people wanting to demonstrate. Call 07732 336994.