Demolition work at old college site for train station confirmed

Councillors at the site of the planned train stationCouncillors at the site of the planned train station
Councillors at the site of the planned train station
The bulldozing of the former West Lancashire College buildings is expected to begin very soon.

West Lancashire MP Rosie Cooper confirmed the work is scheduled to go ahead this autumn, having urged for it to begin as soon as possible.

The site, on Yewdale in Skelmersdale, is part of the site where it is hoped a future rail link for the town will be constructed.

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Lancashire County Council's cabinet approved the purchase of the site in June.

Ms Cooper has been in correspondence with West Lancashire College and the county council for several months over the demolition work.

Lancashire County Council has now responded, outlining that it is finalising the purchase and the demolition contract.

Ms Cooper said the timetable was welcome as residents had been concerned about the state of the unused site.

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She said: "Local residents have often raised concerns with me that these buildings appear again to be left insecure and members of the public can freely gain access.

“Others have been disappointed at having to put up with the eyesore of a derelict building.

“I am pleased that LCC are finalising the transfer of these buildings with a view to immediate demolition, and expect this work to start in the coming weeks.

“The wider site has already been earmarked for the future Skelmersdale train station so getting this clearance work done now will ensure this doesn’t cause any delay.”