Wigan MPs say Brexit deal is a 'failure'

MP Lisa NandyMP Lisa Nandy
MP Lisa Nandy
Wigan MPs have hit out at the draft Brexit deal, fearing it will have a 'catastrophic outcome'.

Labour representatives Lisa Nandy and Yvonne Fovargue both expressed their concerns about the withdrawal agreement made by Prime Minister Theresa May, which sets out what will happen when Britain leaves the European Union.

Ms Nandy, who represents Wigan, fears the deal will lead to job losses in the borough.

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She said: “Those Tory MPs who campaigned to leave have broken every promise they made to the British people during the referendum and shown they have no plan except to plunge the country into chaos.

"As they run away from the consequences of their actions, the country faces a cliff edge Brexit that will cost us jobs and wages in Wigan and threaten access to food and medicines. It could not be more serious.

“Parliament must now take control and act to prevent this chaos. I am currently in Westminster working with colleagues to ensure we protect the British people from the potential damage that would result from this catastrophic outcome.”

Ms Fovargue, who represents Makerfield, dubbed the deal “a miserable failure”.

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She said: “The reality is that there is no majority in Parliament for the PM’s withdrawal agreement. Whether you voted leave or remain, nobody voted for Theresa May’s deal.

“It is a miserable failure for her Government and fails to protect jobs, rights and the economy. On immigration there is an extraordinary lack of detail on what was a central issue for many people during the referendum.”

Last month Ms Nandy held a meeting to find out what Labour supporters in Wigan thought about Brexit.

She said her postbag had been filled with anxious letters from people who were deeply concerned about the state of the negotiations over Britain’s departure from the 27-state bloc.

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Mrs May announced on Wednesday that the draft agreement had been made and approved by the cabinet.

It followed lengthy discussions between the UK and the EU in the wake of the “leave” result in the Brexit referendum in 2016.

But several ministers stepped down yesterday, including Brexit Secretary Dominic Raab, after the draft agreement was made.

The UK is due to leave the EU on March 29, but the country remains divided on what should happen.

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UKIP MEP Paul Nuttall, who represents the North West, also had concerns about the draft agreement.

He said: “This is a weak deal to say the very least and not what the people voted for. It has been negotiated by a Prime Minister and British negotiators who have never wanted to leave so we should not be surprised.

“I don’t see how she can continue as Prime Minister. Loyal Conservative Party members must be tearing up their membership cards like confetti and Jeremy Corbyn planning his colour scheme for Number 10.

“I expect the deal to be in tatters within the week, as it deserves to be.

“We voted to leave, not ifs or buts, and here we are presented with a dog’s dinner of a deal which would leave us in a situation almost as bad as staying in the EU.”