Residents concerned that car parking issues could cause fatal crash

Carole Walker and, inset, the car in questionCarole Walker and, inset, the car in question
Carole Walker and, inset, the car in question
An elderly Wigan resident fears a child could be run over and even killed if infuriating parking problems near her home aren’t resolved.

Carole Walker, who lives on Moorings Close at Ince, says the constant leaving of a vehicle on a narrow turning circle on the street is causing unnecessary havoc for neighbours.

She says ambulances, trucks and delivery drivers all find great difficulty reversing out of the cul-de-sac due to the obstructing car.

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There have already been three accidents in a short space of time, two which saw cars badly damaged, she said.

The car in Moorings CloseThe car in Moorings Close
The car in Moorings Close

In the wake of these, Ms Walker contacted police and Wigan Labour MP Lisa Nandy to resolve the issue but was told that nothing can be done to force the owner to move their vehicle as there are no parking restrictions on the road there.

But it was recommended she gather neighbours’ signatures for a letter of protest which will then be handed over the owner of the offending vehicle.

The car itself is not left outside the owner’s own house, for reasons which are not clear to his neighbours, especially as he has a drive and a garage, neither of which is regularly used by vehicles.

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Ms Walker believes it is only a matter of time before a serious incident occurs.

“This is my last attempt to get this car to move. It’s the final resort,” she said.

“He’s parked his car across the turning circle, at the end of the cul-de-sac where I live, and the canal is also at the end.

“So any vehicle such as ambulances, fire engines, anybody, coming up that cul-de-sac has to reverse, which is highly dangerous.

“There’s going to be a accident.

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“It was only a matter of a few weeks ago, a big vehicle was reversing, and three schoolchildren were coming across there to get past the canal, and you know what they are like with mobile phones, and he was backing up, and the driver didn’t see the children.

“The neighbour opposite luckily saw him and had to run out to shout stop quick, or he could have hit them.

“Someone is going to get run over.

“It’s an accident waiting to happen. A child could get killed.

“I’ve been in touch with the police who have said their hands are tied and I’ve spoke to my MP who has been in touch with the chief police officer and there’s nothing he can do, and I’m thinking, it’s absolutely so dangerous.

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“A few of the other neighbours have also contacted the police but the car is still stuck there.

“It’s a massive hindrance to the community and the owner of this car will know that no one can touch it because they are not stupid. It’s been happening for over two-years and it’s reached the final straw.

“It’s sheer spite and it sticks in my throat.

“Everyone needs to do around three to four turns because you can’t go in that circle, and it’s not fair.

“It’s causing absolute maythem, and for a lady to get her front end smashed up because a car’s got angry and thought stuff it when trying to reverse, it’s out of order.

“It’s terrible and it really annoys me.

“They should not park there, and need to move the car.

“I want the risks of the accidents to disappear because I don’t want anybody getting hurt, or any more cars being damaged due to this.”