Serial crook gets '˜last chance' from judge

Police appealPolice appeal
Police appeal
A prolific crook has been given a final chance by a judge after telling how he wants to give up his life of crime.

Layton Kennedy was told by judge Clement Goldstone: “You say you’ve had enough of leading a dishonest criminal life. I can say that the courts have had more than enough of seeing you here. There comes a time in every criminal’s life when the decision has to be taken both by the court and the criminal whether he is going to spend effectively the rest of his meaningful life in prison or try to make a new life for himself. This time has come as far as you are conncerned.”

Kennedy had admitted stealing a mobile phone and bus pass from a vulnerable man called Jason Ramsdale after he had been attacked by Kennedy’s associate Darren Hurley near Leigh Infirmary on July 26.

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Liverpool Crown Court heard that Hurley, who has already been sentenced for the attack, blamed his victim’s sister for a dog attack on his dog.

Judge Goldstone sentenced Kennedy, of Higher Green Lane, Astley, to eight months’ in jail suspended for two years. “You will decide by your conduct over the next two years whether you are going to prison. You have an appalling licence and this offence was committed while you were on licence.”

Frank Dillon, prosecuting, said Kennedy has committed 110 previous offences including 68 for theft. Kennedy was also ordered to attend 30 days rehabilitation activities, a 12-month drug rehabilitation course and he is subject to a three month electronically monitored night curfew.