Wigan holidaymakers in coronavirus 'lock-down'

A number of Shearings coaches were temporarily impoundedA number of Shearings coaches were temporarily impounded
A number of Shearings coaches were temporarily impounded | jpimedia
Wigan holidaymakers were at the centre of a coronavirus scare when their buses were temporarily impounded after one of their number collapsed.

Several Shearings coaches were returning to Britain when an elderly woman was taken ill at Calais and taken to hospital amid fears that she had contracted covid


The remaining travellers were allowed to cross the Channel by ferry and re-board their buses in Dover but the fleet was then stopped by Kent Police who were working in partnership with Public Health England.

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One Wigan Post reader, who did not want to be named, said he was returning with 58 other passengers on his coach from a tour of Germany when the drama unfolded.

He added: “The coaches were stopped and we were told by the police that because there was a coronavirus scare that Public Health England had told the police to lock us down.

“We had seen someone being stretchered off one of the other buses at Calais 150 yards away and had heard that the lady had been in contact with someone from China and they were worried about infection from this virus.

“But then, after a three-hour delay, we were allowed to get off our coaches, board the ferry and get back on board the buses until we were stopped by the police.

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“There was a wait of one or two hours until finally the police took everyone’s names and addresses and told us we could continue. The driver also came round and gave everyone hand gel.

“If you ask me it was a silly over-reaction. We’d not been near the lady in question.”

But another passenger said: “It was a bit inconvenient and we got home late but I think it was a case of better to be safe than sorry when trying to prevent the spread of this illness.”

A spokesperson for Shearings Holidays said: “One customer was admitted to hospital in France on Sunday as a precaution and has since tested negative for coronavirus.

“We worked closely with Public Health England and followed their advice at all times.”