Wigan Infirmary lifts get new look in organ donation drive

Staff with the new look liftsStaff with the new look lifts
Staff with the new look lifts | jpimedia
Lifts at Wigan Infirmary have been given a new look to encourage people to join the organ donation register.

The new design on the doors highlights how quick joining the register can be and to make a note of your preferences.

The eye-catching pink and white designs share the short but powerful message, “While you’re waiting for this lift you can help save and transform lives” and also features a QR code for members of the public to scan and be taken directly to the organ donation website.

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The inspiration for the makeover came after a conversation between Vikki Lloyd, Intensive Care Unit (ICU) sister, and Cara Hart, Specialist Nurse in Organ Donation at NHS Blood and Transplant.

And before long the idea was discussed at the trust’s organ donation committee meeting and plans were put into place.

Vikki said: “As a trust, we know the importance of organ donation and endeavour to provide excellent end of life care.

“It’s brilliant to see organ donation promoted in such a prominent place in the hospital as so many people will get to see it.”

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The promotion of organ donation is a cause many members of the WWL family are passionate about.

Each year, during Organ Donation Week, awareness days are held in collaboration between staff from the Intensive Care Unit and the Accident and Emergency Department to highlight the importance of people sharing their wishes with loved ones.

Regular study sessions are also provided by staff thanks to the strong links made by specialist nurses in organ donation. Next, the team hope to roll the designs out to lifts across all trust sites including Wrightington Hospital, Leigh Infirmary and clinics in the community.

Cara said: “From spring 2020 organ donation in England will move towards an ‘opt out’ system which means that adults in England will be considered to have agreed to be an organ donor unless they have recorded a decision not to donate or are in an excluded group. Even with this system in place, it is ultimately the next of kin who consent to the donation so having those conversations with your loved ones is so important.”