Youths throw missiles at firefighters

Missiles were thrown at firefightersMissiles were thrown at firefighters
Missiles were thrown at firefighters
Missiles were thrown at firefighters while they tackled a rubbish fire.

A crew from Leigh fire station were called to Westbourne Avenue in Westleigh at around 11pm last night, Wednesday, after a sofa was set alight on wasteland.

While the crew tackled the blaze, a number of missiles were thrown at them by a group of youths including a glass bottle which struck the fire truck.

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At around midnight, the same crew was called to a wheelie bin fire in the same area but again they were met by a gang of youths.

A spokesman for Greater Manchester Fire and Rescue Service (GMFRS) said: “As we were heading down the street we could see the gang of young people.

“As we reached them they began to throw missiles including a plastic bottle full of grit that hit the windscreen. It could have caused a lot of damage of at the very least spooked a driver that wasn’t expecting it.

“We should be dealing with the incident itself not mindless youths who think this is some kind of fun.”

Both fires are thought to have been started deliberately and the police have been informed.

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